Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Bombardier Launches NEW RJ

"Bombardier has launched its latest regional jet product, the CRJ1000, which is targeted at the 100-seat market. The company said it has firm orders and options for more than 60 aircraft, with deliveries to begin in the fourth quarter of 2009.
Previously designated the CRJ900X jet, the CRJ1000 regional airliner is intended to offer low operating costs and improvements to cabin comfort, the manufacturer said.
The CRJ1000 aircraft will offer a maximum range of 1,691 nautical miles with 100 passengers, under certain operating conditions, Bombardier said. Compared with older generation aircraft of similar passenger capacity, the CRJ1000 will provide substantially lower fuel consumption and achieve up to 30 percent reduced carbon dioxide engine emissions, the company said. The first flight is scheduled for the summer of 2008." -

Regional Jets have been a game changer in the airline industry today. They provide a whole new spectrum of possibilities to airlines. Currently, some of the most profitable carriers are regionals. There factors include a higher filled seat average, shorter routes with high density, and generally better aircraft usage. However, regional tickets are often more expensive than regular tickets. This also allows regional aircraft carriers to constitently turn out a profit. For the designated route segmets that these aircraft fly, base on a wide variety of factors, regional jets can be a game-changer in commercial aviation markets.

The Challenges of Investing in Aviation

Investing itself is an art - in my opinion, it is the ultimate combination of a chess game and high stakes gambling, mixed in with some luck and lots of research. Investing in an aviation can either make an investor, or break one. Personally, I've begun investing in aviation myself, and I've done a little bit of homework on the subject, and this is what I have found.

  1. The number one money maker in aviation by FAR is the defense industry. Any company that is involved in aviation military technology = cha-ching.
  2. The number two way to make money is by investing in maintainence. Every aircraft must go through maintainence, and its the safest bet for a consistent income.
  3. Anything to do with aviation technology is also a safe bet
  4. Corporate or aircraft leasing companies, most of the time they make pure profit. They will defintly make more money now that the international markets are growing faster than there are aircraft available by the manufacturers.
  5. The airlines are by far the most volatile way to invest. Sometimes a safe bet, most of the time, not so much.

Airbus vs. Boeing

It is a timeless battle in aviation - Airbus vs. Boeing - one that will be battled for a very long time. Currently, the battle lies in each companies vision for the future A380 vs. B787. Each aircraft represents a major shift in how each company believes what the future of aviation holds. Airbus has spent billions of dollars on its A380 program, the double-decker jumbo jet. Airbus believes the future of commercial aviation lies in long haul, large load, point to point hub travel. Boeing believes much of the future relies in the medium range travel from hub to various points throughout an airlines system. Whos right you ask? At the moment, Boeing is the clear winner in this battle. However, with the large recent growth in international markets, Airbus's A380 may still have a chance to come back from behind and take the lead. The winner of this battle wont be found until a few years down the road.

Jetblue Customer Bill Of Rights

Due to the recent events of last week, JetBlue has know established a customer bill of rights. This is something that is revolutionary in the airline industry, and won't probably see a lot of. JetBlue is a unique airline, in that it always puts the customer as its number one priority. I read the novel, "True Blue - A History of JetBlue Airways & David Neeleman", and it was an eye opener on how badly the airline industry used to treat customers, until JetBlue came along. Jetblue always treats its customer, not its bottom line. I highly respect JetBlue for being on the forefront of customer care in the airline industry.

Valkaria Air Fest

Last weekend was the Valkaria Air Fest, and it was an awesome event. Every year, it brings out the community as a whole to see the awesome, fun side of aviation. Among the events was interviews with the Tuskegee Airmen, airshow displays, fun activities, and community outreach events and fundraisers. I finished first place in the landing contest at it (yay for me!). For the greater portion of the day, I acted as air traffic control for the event and assistant volunteer coordinator. It was a lot of work, but it really brings out the community spirit of aviation. Fly-in events like these bring the community together to promote aviation, a day of fun, learning, and just, well, more fun!

FAA - Aviation Forecast Conference

The 32nd Annual FAA Aviation Forecast Conference will take place at the Washington Convention Center, March 15-16 in Washington D.C. - sponsored by AAAE, The Boeing Company, Airbus, SAE International and Jetblue, the conference provides an opportunity for senior leaders in the aviation industry to look ahead and share their views on the direction of the aviation industry. The theme, "Aviation's Resurgence: The Shape of Things to Come" reflects the developing consensus that the aviation industry is entering a period of economic recovery. Aviation experts at the conference will discuss the future aviation system and the challenges faced, the emerging environement of US aviation, and the outlook for the remainder of the industry as a whole. I'm excited to attend such an event, and can't wait to learn and get a more in-depth picture of the industry.


The American Association of Airport Executives (AAAE) is the largest professional organization for airport executives, and those interested in the airport industry, in the world. Through its seminars, products, conferences, and library, it brings knowledge, understanding, leadership, and ideas together to benefit the aviation world. Its easy for someone to become an academic member. It is a great way to establish oneself in the door of a great organization, and its easier to attend seminars and conferences when one is a member. For anyone in aviation management, it definitely is a must.

Monday, February 5, 2007

Aviation Weather

Getting solid weather information is essential before every flight. There are several great sources of weather information. These are my 3 favorite.

  1. - This is the most comprehensive of the three websites. It includes just about anything you could think of - live weather data, outlook and current forecasts, av. weather products, etc. Its a little bit complicated to use, but for the average pilot, its a great tool.
  2. - Pretty much the same as above, except the graphics are better, and more user friendly. There is a special aviation section regarding aviation products.
  3. - Although it requires a subscription, it is the most user friendly service. It is also unique, in that it incorporates flight plan information directly into the weather calculations, and vice versa.

Happy Flying!