Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Airbus vs. Boeing

It is a timeless battle in aviation - Airbus vs. Boeing - one that will be battled for a very long time. Currently, the battle lies in each companies vision for the future A380 vs. B787. Each aircraft represents a major shift in how each company believes what the future of aviation holds. Airbus has spent billions of dollars on its A380 program, the double-decker jumbo jet. Airbus believes the future of commercial aviation lies in long haul, large load, point to point hub travel. Boeing believes much of the future relies in the medium range travel from hub to various points throughout an airlines system. Whos right you ask? At the moment, Boeing is the clear winner in this battle. However, with the large recent growth in international markets, Airbus's A380 may still have a chance to come back from behind and take the lead. The winner of this battle wont be found until a few years down the road.

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